Moral-Benito (2007) Balanced Panel over the period 1960-2000 for empirical growth regressions. This version: June 2008. Variables in the data set: GRW_PWT:Dependent variable (source: PWT 6.2) Growth of per capita GDP over 5-year periods (2000 US dollars at PPP) GRW_WB:Dependent variable (source: WDI 2005) Growth of per capita GDP over 5-year periods (2000 US dollars at PPP) GDP_PWT:log Initial GDP (PWT 6.2)(IN) Logarithm of initial real GDP per capita (2000 US dollars at PPP) GDP_WB:log Initial GDP (WDI 2005)(IN) Logarithm of initial real GDP per capita (2000 US dollars at PPP) POP:Population (source PWT 6.2)(IN) Population in thousands of people PGRW:Population Growth (source PWT 6.2)(AV) Average annual growth rate of population IPR:Investment Price (source PWT 6.2)(AV) Average investment price level OPEM:Opennes measure (source PWT 6.2)(AV) Export plus imports as a share of GDP CSH:Consumption Share (source PWT 6.2)(AV) Consumption as a share of GDP GSH:Government Share (source PWT 6.2)(AV) Government consumption as a share of GDP ISH:Investment Share (source PWT 6.2)(AV) Investment as a share of GDP LBF:Labor Force (source PWT 6.2)(IN) Ratio of workers to population LEX:Life Expectancy (source WDI 2005)(IN) Life expectancy at birth PDE:Population Density (source WDI 2005)(IN) Population divided by land area URBP:Urban Population (source WDI 2005)(IN) Fraction of population living in urban areas NWTR:Navigable Water (source Gallup et. al) Fraction of land area near navigable water LND:Landlocked Country (source Gallup et. al) Dummy for landlocked countries ADIS:Air Distance (source Gallup et. al) Logarithm of minimal distance in km from New York, Rotterdam, or Tokio TAR:Tropical Area (source Gallup et. al) Fraction of land area in geographical tropics TPOP:Tropical Population (source Gallup et. al) Fraction of population in geographical tropics LAR:Land Area (source Gallup et. al) Area in kmē OPEI:Opennes Index (source: Sachs and Warner) Index of trade opennes from 1 (highest) to 0 INDP:Independence (source Gallup et. al) Timing of national independence measure: 0 if before 1914; 1 if between 1914 and 1945; 2 if between 1946 and 1989 and 3 if after 1989 SOC:Socialist (source Gallup et. al) Dummy for countries under socialist rule for considerable time during 1950 to 1995 WAR:War Dummy (source: Barro and Lee) Dummy for countries that participated in external war between 1960 and 1990 CLI:CLimate (source Gallup et. al) Fraction of land area with tropical climate EU:Europe Dummy for EU countries SAFR:Sub-Saharan Africa Dummy for Sub-Sahara African countries LATM:Latin America Dummy for Latin American countries EAS:East Asia Dummy for East Asian countries MAL:Malaria (source Gallup et. al) (IN) Fraction of population in areas with malaria P15:Population under 15 (source: Barro and Lee)(IN) Fraction of population younger than 15 years P65:Population over 65 (source: Barro and Lee)(IN) Fraction of population older than 65 years PED:Primary Education (source: Barro and Lee)(IN) Stock of years of primary education SED:Secondary Education (source: Barro and Lee)(IN) Stock of years of secondary education PR:Political Rights (source: Freedom House)(IN) Index of political rights from 1 (highest) to 7 CL:CIvil Liberties (source: Freedom House)(IN) Index of civil liberties from 1 (highest) to 7 *NOTES: 1.-(IN) refers to initial value for the 5-year period. 2.-(AV) refers to 5-year average. 3.-Variables without neither (IN) nor (AV) are the same for all the years.